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help us raise money for childhood cancer research
Party for Kids with Cancer
we have family and community at our core

As a family-owned business, we have been touched by cancer. We experienced the tragic passing of our co-founder, Peter Ryan, in 1999 when he lost his battle with cancer.

This tragic loss spurred us to establish the Party for Kids with Cancer® charity fund. This is our way of giving back to the community and supporting the families of children living with cancer.

Pirate Day at the Support Cente

over 1.8 million raised for childhood cancer

2019 cheque presentation to TKCP
about the cause

Since 2000, Lorraine Lea’s Party for Kids with Cancer® fund has raised over 1.8 million in support of various cancer causes that treat kids’ cancers and help the families of children living with cancer.

All proceeds from our 2021 fundraising appeal will support The Kids’ Cancer Project and their life-saving research to find the best treatment options with the fewest side effects for children diagnosed with the most aggressive forms of childhood cancer.

The Kids’ Cancer Project have committed over $1m in the last 4 years to the Zero Childhood Cancer Program. This program is dedicated to finding a cure for the most aggressive forms of childhood cancer.

ellie’s story

Mina and Rob were shocked when at just 11 months of age their little girl, who had been unwell for a couple of weeks, was diagnosed with infantile fibrosarcoma, a rare and aggressive tumour that was resistant to chemotherapy.

We are all too familiar with the hard stories; sick children, brave siblings, and desperate parents. But this is a different story. It’s one of hope, and it’s our best hope yet.

Ellie with her parents Mina and Rob

how you can help

How you can help - host an event
host an event

June is our official Party for Kids with Cancer® fundraising month. Throughout June, Lorraine Lea Independent Stylists & Stylepreneurs hold fundraising events which help to fund vital medical research into finding a cure. Everyone who hosts an in-home or online styling event in June can donate their Host Credits as a dollar value to the Party for Kids with Cancer® fund.

make a donation

The Kids' Cancer Project are a unique organisation dedicated to finding a cure for kids’ cancers.

All donations big or small help to fund vital medical research to work towards eradicating childhood cancer once and for all!

How you can help - make a donation
How you can help - buy a PJ Bear
donate or adopt a PJ Bear

Kids with cancer need someone fighting in their corner. Enter PJ Bear. He’s our cuddly Party for Kids with Cancer® fund mascot and is dedicated to the ongoing battle against his nasty nemesis: kids’ cancer. Purchase a PJ Bear during June and have him donated on your behalf to a kids’ hospital ward. Why not adopt this cutie for yourself too! $3 for every purchase is donated to the Party for Kids with Cancer® fund.


Over 1,500 PJ Bears were donated to kids’ hospital wards across Australia in 2019

Where the fundraising dollars go?

In 2018 more than 700 Australian children were diagnosed with cancer. Of these kids, 361 were aged 0 - 4 years old.

Kids’ cancers are very different to adult cancers

They’re not caused by their lifestyle, so can rarely be predicted or prevented. Kids cancers behave differently in their bodies and react differently to traditional adult treatments. The treatments either don’t work or are too destructive for little bodies to cope with. Kids' cancers need their own special cures.

That’s why Lorraine Lea is proud to partner with independent Australian charity, The Kids' Cancer Project. They’re a unique organisation with dedicated focus on bold, cutting-edge scientific research that will eventually unlock the cures desperately needed to fight kids’ cancers. Together, we work towards our shared goal of eradicating childhood cancer once and for all.

PJ Bear donations to a local hospital